Spectral Libraries#

A number of spectral libraries have been include in speXtra. See database-contents for a summary what is included in the database.

To list the names of the libraries included in the database

from spextra import spextra_database
{'ref': 'A library of reference stars',
 'kc96': 'Kinney-Calzetti Atlas',
 'pickles': 'Pickles Stellar Library',
 'dobos': 'SDSS galaxy composite spectra',
 'irtf': 'IRTF spectral library',
 'agn': 'AGN templates',
 'nebulae': 'Emission line nebulae',
 'brown': 'Galaxy SEDs from the UV to the Mid-IR',
 'kurucz': 'Subset of Kurucz 1993 Models',
 'sne': 'Supernova Legacy Survey',
 'moehler': 'flux/telluric standards with X-Shooter',
 'madden': 'High-Resolution Spectra of Habitable Zone Planets',
 'bosz/hr': 'BOSZ stellar atmosphere Grid - High Resolution',
 'bosz/mr': 'BOSZ stellar atmosphere Grid - Medium Resolution',
 'bosz/lr': 'BOSZ stellar atmosphere Grid - Low Resolution',
 'assef': 'Low-resolution spectral templates for AGN and galaxies',
 'sky': 'Paranal sky background spectra',
 'shapley': 'Rest-Frame Ultraviolet Spectra of z ∼ 3 Lyman Break Galaxies',
 'etc/kinney': 'ESO ETC version of the Kinney-Calzetti Atlas',
 'etc/kurucz': 'ESO ETC subset of the Kurucz 1993 models',
 'etc/marcs/p': 'ESO ETC subset of the MARCS Stellar Models with Plane Parallel Geometry',
 'etc/marcs/s': 'ESO ETC subset of the MARCS Stellar Models with Spherical Geometry',
 'etc/misc': 'Other templates, nubulae and qso',
 'etc/pickles': 'ESO ETC subset of the Pickles stellar library'}

To see which templates are available in each library

from spextra import SpecLibrary
lib = SpecLibrary("kc96")

Below you can find a detailed description of each library.

A Library of Reference Stars#

# A library with reference stars

library_name : ref

type : stars

title : Reference library for objects

summary : |
  This library collects few objects than an be used as reference for calculations

reference : see CALSPEC

link : https://www.stsci.edu/hst/instrumentation/reference-data-for-calibration-and-tools/astronomical-catalogs/calspec

spectral_coverage :
  - uv
  - vis
  - nir
  - mir

resolution : 10

wave_unit: Angstrom

flux_unit : FLAM

wave_column_name : WAVELENGTH

flux_column_name : FLUX

data_type: fits

file_extension: .fits

templates:    # comments
  vega   : Vega spectrum, 900A to 300um
  vegaLR : Vega LR spectrum, 1148A to 2.6um
  sirius : Sirius spectrum, 900A to 300um
  sun    : Solar spectrum,  1195A to 2.7um
  sunHR  : Solar HR spectrum, 1500A to 300um

The Kinney-Calzetti Spectral Atlas of Galaxies#


library_name : kc96

type : galaxies

title : The Kinney-Calzetti Spectral Atlas of Galaxies

summary : |
  The Kinney-Calsetti Atlas consists of an homogeneous set of 12 galaxy spectral
  covering the ultraviolet, optical and near-infrared wavelength range up to about 1 micron.
  The spectra include various morphological types and starburst galaxies.

  This atlas contains a set of galaxy spectral covering the ultraviolet to near-infrared
  spectral range (i.e. from 0.12  to 1 μm). The ultraviolet range of the spectral
  templates was obtained with the large aperture (10" by 20") and low resolution spectrographs
  on the IUE satellite. The optical spectra were obtained through a long slit with a 10" width,
  where a window of 20" long was extracted to match the IUE aperture.

  The spectral templates cover various galaxy morphological types
  from elliptical to late type spiral. Starburst spectra for low
  (E(B-V < 0.10) to high (0.61 < E(B-V) < 0.70) internal extinction are also available.
  Several of the starburst galaxies used are classified as irregulars. Thus,
  although irregular galaxies are not explicitly covered, the starburst templates
  can be used for this morphological type. Details about how the spectra have been
  constructed can be found in Kinney et al. (1996) for the different morphological types,
  and in Calzetti et al. (1994) for the starbursts.

  The flux of the spectra has been normalized to a visual magnitude of 12.5 (STMAG).
  Details about each spectrum can be found in the header of the FITS file.

reference : Kinney, A.L., Calzetti, D., Bohlin, R.C., McQuade, K., Storchi-Bergmann, T.  & Schmitt, H.R. 1996, ApJ, 467, 38

link : "http://www.stsci.edu/hst/instrumentation/reference-data-for-calibration-and-tools/astronomical-catalogs/the-kinney-calzetti-spetral-atlas"

spectral_coverage :
  - uv
  - vis

resolution : 10

wave_unit: Angstrom

flux_unit : FLAM

wave_column_name : WAVELENGTH

flux_column_name : FLUX

data_type: fits

file_extension: .fits

templates:    # comments
  elliptical : null
  bulge      : null
  s0         : null
  sa         : null
  sb         : null
  sc         : null
  starb1     : starburst with E(B-V)<0.1
  starb2     : starburst with 0.11<E(B-V)<0.21
  starb3     : starburst with 0.25<E(B-V)<0.35
  starb4     : starburst with 0.39<E(B-V)<0.50
  starb5     : starburst with 0.51<E(B-V)<0.60
  starb6     : starburst with 0.61<E(B-V)<0.70

Pickles Stellar Library#

# Pickles Stellar Spectral Flux Library

library_name : pickles

type : stars

title : Pickles Stellar Spectral Flux Library

summary : |
  This library of wide spectral coverage, consists of 131 flux calibrated stellar spectra,
  encompassing all normal spectral types and luminosity classes at solar abundance, and metal-weak
  and metal-rich F-K dwarf and G-K giant components. Each spectrum in the library is a combination
  of several sources overlapping in wavelength coverage. The creator of the library has followed
  precise criteria in combining sources and to assembling the most reliable spectra. As part of
  the selection criteria prior to combination, all input sources were checked aginst the SIMBAD
  database and against the colors and line strengths as derived by the observed spectra
  themselves, in order to esure they had similar spectral types.

reference : Pickles, A. J. 1998, PASP, 110, 863

link : "https://www.eso.org/sci/facilities/paranal/decommissioned/isaac/tools/lib.html"

spectral_coverage :
  - uv
  - vis
  - nir

resolution : 5

wave_unit: Angstrom

flux_unit : FLAM

wave_column_name : WAVELENGTH

flux_column_name : FLUX

data_type: fits

file_extension: .fits

templates:      # comments
  o5v             : null        
  o8iii           : null        
  o9v             : null        
  b0i             : null        
  b0v             : null        
  b12iii          : null        
  b1i             : null        
  b1v             : null        
  b2ii            : null        
  b2iv            : null        
  b3i             : null        
  b3iii           : null        
  b3v             : null        
  b57v            : null        
  b5i             : null        
  b5ii            : null        
  b5iii           : null        
  b6iv            : null        
  b8i             : null        
  b8v             : null        
  b9iii           : null        
  b9v             : null        
  a0i             : null        
  a0iii           : null        
  a0iv            : null        
  a0v             : null        
  a2i             : null        
  a2v             : null        
  a3iii           : null        
  a3v             : null        
  a47iv           : null        
  a5iii           : null        
  a5v             : null        
  a7iii           : null        
  a7v             : null        
  f02iv           : null        
  f0i             : null        
  f0ii            : null        
  f0iii           : null        
  f0v             : null        
  f2ii            : null        
  f2iii           : null        
  f2v             : null        
  f5i             : null        
  f5iii           : null        
  f5iv            : null        
  f5v             : null        
  f6v             : null        
  f8i             : null        
  f8iv            : null        
  f8v             : null        
  rf6v            : metal rich  
  rf8v            : metal rich  
  wf5v            : metal weak  
  wf8v            : metal weak  
  g0i             : null        
  g0iii           : null        
  g0iv            : null        
  g0v             : null        
  g2i             : null        
  g2iv            : null        
  g2v             : null        
  g5i             : null        
  g5ii            : null        
  g5iii           : null        
  g5iv            : null        
  g5v             : null        
  g8i             : null        
  g8iii           : null        
  g8iv            : null        
  g8v             : null        
  rg0v            : metal rich  
  rg5iii          : metal rich  
  rg5v            : metal rich  
  wg0v            : metal weak  
  wg5iii          : metal weak  
  wg5v            : metal weak  
  wg8iii          : metal weak  
  k01ii           : null        
  k0iii           : null        
  k0iv            : null        
  k0v             : null        
  k1iii           : null        
  k1iv            : null        
  k2i             : null        
  k2iii           : null        
  k2v             : null        
  k34ii           : null        
  k3i             : null        
  k3iii           : null        
  k3iv            : null        
  k3v             : null        
  k4i             : null        
  k4iii           : null        
  k4v             : null        
  k5iii           : null        
  k5v             : null        
  k7v             : null        
  rk0iii          : metal rich  
  rk0v            : metal rich  
  rk1iii          : metal rich  
  rk2iii          : metal rich  
  rk3iii          : metal rich  
  rk4iii          : metal rich  
  rk5iii          : metal rich  
  wk0iii          : metal weak  
  wk1iii          : metal weak  
  wk2iii          : metal weak  
  wk3iii          : metal weak  
  wk4iii          : metal weak  
  m0iii           : null        
  m0v             : null        
  m1iii           : null        
  m1v             : null        
  m2.5v           : null        
  m2i             : null        
  m2iii           : null        
  m2v             : null        
  m3ii            : null        
  m3iii           : null        
  m3v             : null        
  m4iii           : null        
  m4v             : null        
  m5iii           : null        
  m5v             : null        
  m6iii           : null        
  m6v             : null        
  m7iii           : null        
  m8iii           : null        
  m9iii           : null        
  m10iii          : null

SDSS galaxy composite spectra#

# T A High Resolution Atlas of Composite SDSS Galaxy Spectra

library_name : dobos

type : galaxies

title :  A High Resolution Atlas of Composite SDSS Galaxy Spectra

summary : |
  In this work we present an atlas of composite spectra of galaxies based on the data of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 
  (SDSS DR7).   Galaxies are classified by colour, nuclear activity and star-formation activity to calculate average spectra of 
  high signal-to-noise ratio and resolution (S/N ≈ 132 - 4760 at {Δλ = 1 Å), using an algorithm that is robust against outliers. 
  Besides composite spectra, we also compute the first five principal components of the distributions in each galaxy class to 
  characterize the nature of variations of individual spectra around the averages. The continua of the composite spectra are fitted 
  with BC03 stellar population synthesis models to extend the wavelength coverage beyond the coverage of the SDSS spectrographs. 
  Common derived parameters of the composites are also calculated: integrated colours in the most popular filter systems, 
  line strength measurements, and continuum absorption indices (including Lick indices). These derived parameters are compared 
  with the distributions of parameters of individual galaxies and it is shown on many examples that the composites of the atlas 
  cover much of the parameter space spanned by SDSS galaxies. By co-adding thousands of spectra, a total integration time of 
  several months can be reached, which results in extremely low noise composites. The variations in redshift not only allow for 
  extending the spectral coverage bluewards to the original wavelength limit of the SDSS spectrographs, but also make higher 
  spectral resolution achievable. The composite spectrum atlas is available online at http://www.vo.elte.hu/compositeatlas.

reference : Dobos, L.; Csabai, I; Yip, C.; Budavári, T; Wild, V; Szalay, A. 2012, MNRAS 420, 1217

link : "http://www.vo.elte.hu/compositeatlas/v1/Default.aspx"

spectral_coverage :
  - uv
  - vis

resolution : 1

wave_unit: Angstrom

flux_unit : FLAM

wave_column_name : lambda

flux_column_name : flux

data_type: ascii

file_extension: .dat

templates:    # comments
  BG     :  Blue
  G      :  Green
  GG     :  Green
  h_BG   :  Halpha measured, Blue, Green
  h_G    :  Halpha measured, Green
  h_GG   :  Halpha measured, Green, Green
  hh_BG  :  star-forming, Blue
  hh_G   :  star-forming, Green
  hh_GG  :  star-forming, Green
  hh_RG  :  star-forming, Red
  h_RG   :  Halpha measured, Red
  l_BG   :  LINER, Blue
  l_G    :  LINER, Green
  l_GG   :  LINER, Green
  l_RG   :  LINER, Red
  p_BG   :  passive, Blue
  p_G    :  passive, Green
  p_GG   :  passive, Green
  p_RG   :  passive, Red
  RED0   :  Red 0
  RED1   :  Red 1
  RED2   :  Red 2
  RED3   :  Red 3
  RED4   :  Red 4
  RG     :  Red
  s_BG   :  Seyfert, Blue
  SF1    :  Star-Forming 1
  SF2    :  Star-Forming 2
  SF3    :  Star-Forming 3
  SF4    :  Star-Forming 4
  s_G    :  Seyfert, Green
  s_GG   :  Seyfert, Green
  s_RG   :  Seygert, Red
  t_BG   :  Composite, Blue Green
  t_G    :  Composite Galaxy
  t_GG   :  Composite, Green 
  t_RG   :  Composite, Red

IRTF spectral library#

# The IRTF Spectral Library

library_name : irtf

type : 
  - stars
  - brown dwarfs
  - planets

title : The IRTF Spectral Library

summary : |
  The IRTF Spectral Library is a collection of 0.8-5.0 μm mostly stellar spectra observed at a resolving power of R = λ/Δλ ~ 2000 with the 
  medium-resolution spectrograph, SpeX, at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) on Mauna Kea. The current release covers mainly 
  solar-metallicity late-type stars with spectral types between F and M and luminosity classes between I and V, but also includes AGB stars, 
  carbon and S stars, and L and T dwarfs. We also include spectra of the giant planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Later updates will 
  add Wolf-Rayet, O, B, and A stars.

reference : Rayner, J.T., Cushing, M.C., & Vacca, W.D., 2009, ApJS, 185, 289

link : "http://irtfweb.ifa.hawaii.edu/~spex/IRTF_Spectral_Library/index.html"

spectral_coverage :
  - nir
  - mir

resolution : 0.0015  # um

wave_unit: um

flux_unit : W m-2 um-1

wave_column_name : WAVELENGTH

flux_column_name : FLUX

data_type: ascii

file_extension: .dat

templates:      # comments: star name, spec type
  C7: HD31996   C7,6e(N4)
  C-J4: HD70138  C-J4.5IIIaC26j6
  C-J5: HD57160  C-J5-C25-j4
  C-N4.5C: HD92055  C-N4.5C24.5
  C-N4C23: HD44984  C-N4C23.5
  C-N5C26: HD48664  C-N5C26-
  C-R2: HD76846  C-R2+IIIaC22.5
  F0Ia: HD7927_ext  F0Ia
  F0Ib: HD135153_ext  F0Ib-II
  F0II: HD6130_ext  F0II
  F0IIIa: HD89025  F0IIIa
  F0III-IVn: HD13174  F0III-IVn
  F0IV: HD27397    F0IV
  F0V: HD108519    F0V(n)
  F1II: HD173638_ext   F1II
  F1V: HD213135    F1V
  F2-F5Ib: BD+38_2803   F2-F5Ib
  F2Ib: HD182835_ext   F2Ib
  F2III: HD40535    F2III-IV
  F2V: HD113139    F2V
  F3V: HD26015    F3V
  F4III: HD21770    F4III
  F4V: HD16232    F4V
  F5.5III: HD75555    F5.5III-IV
  F5Ib-G1Ib: HD213306_ext   F5Ib-G1Ib
  F5III: HD17918    F5III
  F5II-III: HD186155    F5II-III
  F5V: HD218804    F5V
  F6III-IV: HD160365    F6III-IV
  F6IV: HD11443    F6IV
  F6V: HD215648    F6V
  F7II: HD201078    F7II-
  F7III: HD124850    F7III
  F7V: HD126660    F7V
  F8.5IV-V: HD102870    F8.5IV-V
  F8Ia: HD190323_ext   F8Ia
  F8Ib: HD51956_ext   F8Ib
  F8III: HD220657    F8III
  F8IV: HD111844    F8IV
  F8V: HD219623    F8V
  F9.5V: HD114710    F9.5V
  F9IIIa: HD6903_ext   F9IIIa
  F9V: HD176051    F9V
  wF9V: HD165908  metalweak wF9V
  G0Ib-II: HD185018_ext   G0Ib-II
  G0V: HD109358    G0V
  G1.5V: HD20619    G1.5V
  G1Ib: HD74395    G1Ib
  G1III: HD21018_ext   G1IIICH-1
  G1II: HD216219  G1II-IIIFe-1CH0
  G1-V: HD95128    G1-VFe-0.5
  G1V: HD10307    G1V
  G2Ib: HD39949_ext   G2Ib
  G2Ib: HD3421    G2Ib-II
  G2II: HD219477    G2II-III
  G2IV: HD126868    G2IV
  G2V: HD76151    G2V
  G3Ib-II: HD192713_ext   G3Ib-IIWkH&Kcomp
  G3II: HD176123_ext   G3II
  G3IIIb: HD88639    G3IIIbFe-1
  G3Va: HD10697    G3Va
  G4Ia: HD6474_ext   G4Ia
  G4III: HD108477    G4III
  G4O-Ia: HD179821_ext   G4O-Ia
  G4V: HD214850    G4V
  G5Ib: HD190113_ext   G5Ib
  G5IIIa: HD193896    G5IIIa
  G5IIICN: HD18474.   G5IIICN-3CH-2H
  G5V: HD165185    G5V
  G6.5V: HD115617    G6.5V
  G6IbH: delta1_HD161664_ext G6IbH
  G6IIb: HD58367  G6IIb
  G6III: HD27277  G6III
  G7.5IIIa: HD16139_ext  G7.5IIIa
  G7Ia: HD333385_ext  G7Ia
  G7II: HD25877_ext  G7II
  G7IIIa: HD182694  G7IIIa
  G7IV: HD114946  G7IV
  G7IV: HD20618  G7IV
  G8Ib: HD208606_ext  G8Ib
  G8IIIBa1: HD104979   G8IIIBa1CN-1CH1
  G8IIIFe-1: HD135722  G8IIIFe-1
  G8IIIFe-5: HD122563   G8IIIFe-5
  G8V: HD101501  G8V
  G9IICN1H: delta1_HD170820_ext G9IICN1H
  G9III: HD222093  G9III
  K0.5IIb: HD164349_ext  K0.5IIb
  K0.5IIICN1: HD9852_ext  K0.5IIICN1
  K0Ia: HD165782_ext  K0Ia
  K0Ib: HD44391_ext  K0Ib
  K0II: HD179870_ext  K0II
  K0III: HD100006  K0III
  K0V: HD145675  K0V
  K1.5IIIlines: HD124897_lines_ext.   K1.5IIIFe-0.5
  K1.5IIIflux: HD124897_shape_ext.    K1.5IIIFe-0.5
  K1Ia-Iab: HD63302_ext    K1Ia-Iab
  K1-IIIb1: HD91810      K1-IIIbCN1.5Ca1
  K1-IIIFe: HD36134      K1-IIIFe-0.5
  K1III: HD25975      K1III
  K1IVa: HD142091      K1IVa
  K1IV: HD165438      K1IV
  K1V: HD10476      K1V
  K2.5II: HD23082_ext     K2.5II
  K2IIIFe: HD2901      K2IIIFe-1
  K2III: HD132935_ext     K2III
  K2O-Ia: HD212466_ext     K2O-Ia
  K2V: HD3765      K2V
  K3.5IIIb: HD114960     K3.5IIIbCN0.5CH0.5
  K3Iab-Ib: HD187238_ext     K3Iab-Ib
  K3+IIIFe05: HD99998_ext     K3+IIIFe-0.5
  K3IIIFe1: HD35620_ext     K3IIIFe1
  K3III: HD178208_ext     K3III
  K3II-III: HD16068_ext     K3II-III
  K3V: HD219134      K3V
  K4Ib: HD185622A_ext     K4Ib
  K4Ib-II: HD201065_ext     K4Ib-II
  K4-III: HD207991_ext     K4-III
  K4V: HD45977_ext     K4V
  K5.5III: HD120477      K5.5III
  K5Ib: HD216946_ext     K5Ib
  K5III: HD181596      K5III
  K5V: HD36003      K5V
  K6IIIa: HD3346      K6IIIa
  K7IIa: HD181475_ext     K7IIa
  K7III: HD194193      K7III
  K7V: HD201092      K7V
  kA9hF2mF2: HD164136      kA9hF2mF2(IV)
  L0.5: 2MASSJ0746+2000AB    L0.5
  L1: 2MASSJ0208+2542     L1
  L2: Kelu-1AB      L2
  L3: 2MASSJ1146+2230AB    L3
  L3.5: 2MASSJ0036+1821     L3.5
  L4.5: 2MASSJ2224-0158     L4.5
  L5: 2MASSJ1507-1627     L5
  L6: 2MASSJ1515+4847     L6(NIR)
  L7.5: 2MASSJ0825+2115     L7.5
  L8: DENISJ0255-4700     L8
  M0.5Ib: HD236697_ext     M0.5Ib
  M0.5V: HD209290      M0.5V
  M0IIIb: HD213893      M0IIIb
  M0V: HD19305      M0V
  M10+III: IRAS14086-0703     M10+III
  M1.5Iab-Ib: HD35601_ext     M1.5Iab-Ib
  M1.5Ib: BD+60_265_ext     M1.5Ib
  M1.5V: HD36395      M1.5V
  M1-Iab-Ib: HD14404_ext     M1-Iab-Ib
  M1Ia: HD339034_ext     M1Ia
  M1+III: HD204724      M1+III
  M1-M2Ia-Iab: HD39801_ext     M1-M2Ia-Iab
  M1V: HD42581     M1V
  M2.5IIIBa0.5: HD219734      M2.5IIIBa0.5
  M2.5V: Gl381      M2.5V
  M2-Ia: HD206936_ext     M2-Ia
  M2Ib: HD10465_ext     M2Ib
  M2II: HD23475_ext     M2II
  M2III: HD120052      M2III
  M2V: Gl806      M2V
  M3.5I: HD14488_ext     M3.5IabFe-1var
  M3.5III: HD28487_ext     M3.5IIICa-0.5
  M3.5V: Gl273      M3.5V
  M3Iab-Ia: CD-31_49_ext     M3Iab-Ia
  M3IIb: HD40239      M3IIb
  M3III: HD39045_ext     M3III
  M3-M4Iab: HD14469_ext     M3-M4Iab
  M3toM4: RW_Cyg_ ext    M3toM4Ia-Iab
  M3V: Gl388      M3V
  M4.5IIIa: HD204585      M4.5IIIa
  M4.5V: Gl268AB      M4.5V
  M4+IIIa: HD19058      M4+IIIa
  M4+III: HD214665      M4+III
  M4III: HD4408      M4III
  M4V: Gl299_ext     M4V
  M5.5III: HD94705      M5.5III
  M5e-M9eIII: HD14386      M5e-M9eIII
  M5Ib-II: HD156014      M5Ib-II
  M5III: HD175865      M5III
  M5V: Gl866ABC_ext     M5V
  M6.5StoM7: HD142143      M6.5StoM7SIII
  M6.5V: GJ1111      M6.5V
  M6e-M9eIII: HD69243      M6e-M9eIII
  M6-III: HD18191      M6-III
  M6III: HD196610      M6III
  M6V: Gl406      M6V
  M7-8III: BRIB2339-0447     M7-8III
  M7-III: HD108849      M7-III
  M7-M7.5I: MY_Cep      M7-M7.5I
  M7V: Gl644C      M7V
  M8-9III: IRAS14303-1042     M8-9III
  M8III: IRAS01037+1219     M8III
  M8V: Gl752B      M8V
  M9.5V: BRIB0021-0214     M9.5V
  M9III: BRIB1219-1336     M9III
  M9V: DENIS-PJ1048-3956    M9V
  Jupiter: Jupiter      plnt
  Neptune: Neptune      plnt
  Saturn: Saturn      plnt
  Uranus: Uranus      plnt
  S2.5Zr2: BD+44_2267     S2.5Zr2
  S4.5Zr2Ti4: HD64332      S4.5Zr2Ti4
  S5-S6Zr3: HD62164      S5-S6Zr3to4Ti0
  SC5.5Zr: HD44544      SC5.5Zr0.5
  T2: SDSSJ1254-0122     T2
  T4.5: 2MASSJ0559-1404    T4.5

AGN templates#


library_name : agn

type : agn


summary : |
  This atlas contains a few spectral templates of AGNs covering the
  ultraviolet to near-infrared spectral range (see Table 1 for spectral
  coverage). The LINER and Seyfert 2 templates have been obtained with the
  large aperture (10" by 20") and low resolution spectrographs of the IUE
  satellite. The optical spectra were obtained through a long slit with a 10"
  width, were a window of 20" long was extracted to mach the IUE aperture 
  (Calzetti 1995, private comm.). The flux of the LINER and Seyfert2 templates
  is normalized to a Johnson visual magnitude of 12.5 (STMAG).

  The Seyfert1 template consists of an UV spectrum obtained with the IUE low 
  resolution spectrographs and of a ground-based optical spectrum. The bright
  QSO template is a composite spectrum from the Large Bright Quasar Survey
  of Francie and collaborators (1991).  The Seyfert1 and QSO spectral
  templates are normalized to a Johnson blue magnitude of 12.5 (STMAG).

  The NGC 1068 template is a composite spectrum. The continuum contains the 
  nebular, stellar, and power-law contributions. The observed fluxes and FWHM 
  of the UV, optical and near-IR emission lines are also incorporated into the
  template (J.R. Walsh, private comm; read also the header of the STSDAS binary
  for further details).  

  Details about how each template has been constructed can be found in the header
  of the STSDAS binary file, or in the references given above. The header can be 
  read using the tupar task of the IRAF ttools package. STSDAS files can also be
  dumped into an ASCII formatted file using the tdump task of the IRAF ttools package.

reference : Francis et al. 1991, ApJ 373, 465.

link : TBD

spectral_coverage :
  - uv
  - vis
  - nir

resolution : 10

wave_unit: Angstrom

flux_unit : FLAM

wave_column_name : WAVELENGTH

flux_column_name : FLUX

data_type: fits

file_extension: .fits

templates:    # comments
  liner:     spectrum of M81
  ngc1068:   model,  lines + cont.
  qso:        average of various spectra
  seyfert1:   spectrum of NGC 5548
  seyfert2:   spectrum of NGC 5548


Emission line nebulae#

# Nebulae 

library_name : nebulae

type : nebulae


summary : |
  This atlas contains the model spectra of the Orion nebula, and of the 
  planetary nebula NGC 7009. The templates cover the wavelength range from
  0.1 to 1.1 microns. 

  The continuum of the Orion's template contains the nebular contribution
  plus a combination of Kurucz model atmospheres to simulated the stellar
  contribution. The fluxes of the UV, optical and near-IR emission lines
  from different sources are also incorporated into the template (J.R. Walsh,
  private comm).  

  The continuum of the planetery nebula has a nebular component and a hot
  stellar component simulated by an 80000K black body. The fluxes of the UV,
  optical and near-IR emission lines, from different sources, are also
  incorporated into the template (J.R. Walsh, private comm.).

  Details about how each individual template has been constructed can be found
  in the header of the STSDAS binary files. The header can be read using the 
  tupar task of the IRAF ttools package. Files can also be dump into an ASCII 
  formatted file using the tdump task of the IRAF ttools package.

reference : TBD

link : TBD

spectral_coverage :
  - uv
  - vis
  - nir

resolution : 10

wave_unit: Angstrom

flux_unit : FLAM

wave_column_name : WAVELENGTH

flux_column_name : FLUX

data_type: fits

file_extension: .fits

templates:    # comments
  orion:     Orion
  pn:        Planetary Nebula


Galaxy SEDs from the UV to the Mid-IR#

# An Atlas of Galaxy Spectral Energy Distributions from the Ultraviolet to the Mid-infrared 

library_name : brown

type : Galaxies

title : An Atlas of Galaxy Spectral Energy Distributions from the Ultraviolet to the Mid-infrared 

summary : |
  We present an atlas of 129 spectral energy distributions for nearby galaxies, 
  with wavelength coverage spanning from the ultraviolet to the mid-infrared. Our atlas 
  spans a broad range of galaxy types, including ellipticals, spirals, merging galaxies, 
  blue compact dwarfs, and luminous infrared galaxies. We have combined ground-based optical 
  drift-scan spectrophotometry with infrared spectroscopy from Spitzer and Akari with gaps in spectral 
  coverage being filled using Multi-wavelength Analysis of Galaxy Physical Properties spectral energy distribution models. 
  The spectroscopy and models were normalized, constrained, and verified with matched-aperture photometry measured from 
  Swift, Galaxy Evolution Explorer, Sloan Digital Sky Survey, Two Micron All Sky Survey, Spitzer, and Wide-field 
  Infrared Space Explorer images. The availability of 26 photometric bands allowed us to identify and mitigate systematic 
  errors present in the data. Comparison of our spectral energy distributions with other template libraries and the observed 
  colors of galaxies indicates that we have smaller systematic errors than existing atlases, while spanning a broader range of 
  galaxy types. Relative to the prior literature, our atlas will provide improved K-corrections, photometric redshifts, 
  and star-formation rate calibrations.

reference :  Brown et al. 2014, ApJS 212, 18 

link : "https://archive.stsci.edu/hlsp/galsedatlas"

spectral_coverage :
  - uv
  - vis
  - nir
  - mir

resolution : 2.5 # optical 

wave_unit: Angstrom

flux_unit : FLAM

wave_column_name : WAVELENGTH

flux_column_name : FLUX

data_type: ascii

file_extension: .dat

templates:    # comments
  Arp256N  :           SB(s)c SF             
  Arp256S  :             SB(s)b SF             
  NGC0337  :             SBd SF              
  CGCG436-030  :       Pec SF             
  NGC0474  :             (R)SA(s)0  Passive     
  NGC0520  :             Pec  SF/AGN             
  NGC0584  :             E4  Passive             
  NGC0628  :             SAc  Passive             
  NGC0660  :             SB(s)a  SF/AGN         
  IIIZw035  :             Pec SF/AGN             
  NGC0695  :             S0  SF             
  NGC0750  :             Pec  Passive             
  NGC0855  :             E SF                 
  NGC1068  :             (R)SA(rs)b  AGN        
  Arp118  :             Pec  SF/AGN             
  NGC1144  :             Pec SF             
  NGC1275  :             Pec Passive             
  NGC1614  :             SB(s)c SF/AGN             
  NGC2388  :             Irr  SF             
  NGC2403  :             SABcd Passove             
  NGC2537  :             SB(s)m SF             
  NGC2623  :             Pec AGN             
  IRAS08572+3915  :    Pec  SF/AGN             
  UGC04881  :             Pec  SF             
  NGC2798  :             SBa pec  SF/AGN        
  UGCA166  :             Irr  SF             
  UGC05101  :             Pec  AGN             
  NGC3049  :             SBab  SF             
  NGC3079  :             SB(s)c  SF/AGN         
  UGCA208  :             Pec  AGN             
  NGC3190  :             SAa pec  Passive       
  NGC3198  :             SBc  SF             
  NGC3265  :             E  SF                 
  Mrk33  :             Im pec  SF             
  NGC3310  :             SAB(r)bc  SF             
  NGC3351  :             SBb  SF             
  NGC3379  :             E0  Passove             
  UGCA219  :             Sc  SF             
  NGC3521  :             SABbc  SF             
  NGC3627  :             SABb  SF/AGN             
  IC0691  :             Irr  SF             
  NGC3690  :             Pec  SF/AGN             
  NGC3773  :             SA0  SF             
  Mrk1450  :             Irr  SF             
  UGC06665  :             Sb  SF             
  NGC3870  :             S0  SF             
  UM461  :             Irr  SF             
  UGC06850  :             Irr  SF             
  NGC3938  :             SAc  Passive             
  NGC4088  :             SAB(rs)bc  SF             
  NGC4125  :             E6 pec  Passive        
  NGC4138  :             SA(r)0  SF/AGN         
  NGC4168  :             E  Passive             
  NGC4194  :             Pec  SF/AGN             
  Haro06  :             Irr  SF             
  NGC4254  :             SAc  SF             
  NGC4321  :             SABbc  SF             
  NGC4365  :             E  Passive             
  NGC4387  :             E  Passive             
  NGC4385  :             SB(rs)0  SF/AGN        
  NGC4450  :             SAab  AGN             
  NGC4458  :             E  Passive             
  NGC4473  :             E  Passive             
  NGC4486  :             E  Passive             
  NGC4536  :             SABbc  SF             
  NGC4550  :             E  Passive             
  NGC4551  :             E  Passive             
  NGC4552  :             E  Passive             
  NGC4559  :             SABcd  SF             
  NGC4569  :             SABab  AGN             
  NGC4579  :             SABb  AGN             
  NGC4594  :             SAa  Passive             
  NGC4625  :             SABm pec  SF             
  NGC4621  :             E Passive             
  NGC4631  :             SBd AGN             
  NGC4660  :             E Passive             
  NGC4670  :             SB(s)0/a  SF             
  NGC4676A  :             Pec  AGN             
  NGC4725  :             SABab pec  Passive     
  NGC4826  :             SAab  SF/AGN             
  NGC4860  :             E  Passive             
  NGC4889  :             E4  Passive             
  IC4051  :             E  Passive             
  NGC4926  :             E  Passive             
  NGC5033  :             SAc  SF/AGN             
  IC0860  :             Sa  AGN             
  UGC08335NW  :        Pec  SF/AGN             
  UGC08335SE  :        Pec  SF/AGN             
  NGC5055  :             SAbc  Passive             
  IC0883  :             Pec  SF/AGN             
  NGC5104  :             Sa  SF/AGN             
  NGC5194  :             SABbc pecSF/AGN        
  NGC5195  :             SB0 pec  SF/AGN        
  NGC5256  :             Pec  AGN             
  NGC5257  :             SAB(s)b  SF             
  NGC5258  :             SA(s)b  SF             
  UGC08696  :             Pec  AGN             
  Mrk1490  :             Sa  SF/AGN             
  NGC5653  :             (R)SA(rs)b SF         
  Mrk0475  :             Irr  SF             
  NGC5713  :             SABbc pec  SF             
  UGC09618S  :         Sc  SF/AGN             
  UGC09618  :             Pec  SF/AGN             
  UGC09618N  :         Sb  SF             
  NGC5866  :             S0  Passive             
  CGCG049-057  :       Irr  SF/AGN             
  NGC5953  :             Sa  SF/AGN             
  IC4553  :             Pec  AGN             
  UGCA410  :             Irr  SF             
  NGC5992  :             SBb  SF             
  NGC6052  :             Pec  SF             
  NGC6090  :             Pec  SF             
  NGC6240  :             Pec  AGN             
  IRAS17208-0014  :    Pec  SF             
  IIZw096  :             Pec  SF             
  NGC7331  :             SAb  SF/AGN             
  UGC12150  :             SB0/a  SF/AGN             
  CGCG453-062  :       Sab  SF             
  IC5298  :             Pec  AGN             
  NGC7585  :             (R)SA(s)0  Passive     
  NGC7591  :             SBbc  SF             
  NGC7592  :             Pec  SF/AGN             
  NGC7673  :             (R)SAc  SF             
  NGC7674  :             SA(r)bc  Passive       
  NGC7679  :             SB0  SF/AGN             
  Mrk0930  :             Pec  SF             
  NGC7714  :             SB(s)b  SF/AGN         
  NGC7771  :             SB(s)a  SF             
  Mrk0331  :           Sa  SF/AGN             

Subset of Kurucz 1993 Models (subset)#


library_name : kurucz

type : stars 

title : The 1993 Kurucz Stellar Atmospheres Atlas (excerpt) 

summary : |
  This is an excerpt of the Kurucz Stellar Atmospheres Atlas with stellar parameters selected to match 
  common types. 

reference : Kurucz CD-ROM, Cambridge, MA; Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, c1993, December 4, 1993

link : "http://www.stsci.edu/hst/instrumentation/reference-data-for-calibration-and-tools/astronomical-catalogs/kurucz-1993-models"

spectral_coverage :
  - uv
  - vis
  - nir
  - mir

resolution : 20

wave_unit: Angstrom

flux_unit : FLAM

wave_column_name : WAVELENGTH

flux_column_name : FLUX

data_type: fits

file_extension: .fits

templates:  #comments
  o3v:   T=50000, M/H=0, log(g)=5.0
  o5v:   T=44500, M/H=0, log(g)=5.0
  o6v:   T=41000, M/H=0, log(g)=5.0
  o8v:   T=35800, M/H=0, log(g)=4.5
  b0v:   T=30000, M/H=0, log(g)=3.9
  b3v:   T=18700, M/H=0, log(g)=3.94
  b5v:   T=15400, M/H=0, log(g)=4.04
  b8v:   T=11900, M/H=0, log(g)=4.04
  a0v:   T=9520, M/H=0, log(g)=4.14
  a5v:   T=8200, M/H=0, log(g)=4.29
  f0v:   T=7200, M/H=0, log(g)=4.34
  f5v:   T=6440, M/H=0, log(g)=4.34
  g0v:   T=6030, M/H=0, log(g)=4.39
  g2v:   T=5860, M/H=0, log(g)=4.4
  k0v:   T=5250, M/H=0, log(g)=4.49
  k5v:   T=4350, M/H=0, log(g)=4.54
  m0v:   T=3850, M/H=0, log(g)=4.59
  m2v:   T=3580, M/H=0, log(g)=4.64
  m5v:   T=3500, M/H=0, log(g)=4.94
  b0iii:   T=29000, M/H=0, log(g)=3.5
  b5iii:   T=15000, M/H=0, log(g)=3.49
  g0iii:   T=5850, M/H=0, log(g)=2.94
  g5iii:   T=5150, M/H=0, log(g)=2.54
  k0iii:   T=4750, M/H=0, log(g)=2.14
  k5iii:   T=3950, M/H=0, log(g)=1.74
  m0iii:   T=3800, M/H=0, log(g)=1.34
  o5i:   T=40000, M/H=0, log(g)=4.5
  o6i:   T=39000, M/H=0, log(g)=4.5
  o8i:   T=34200, M/H=0, log(g)=4.0
  boi:   T=26000, M/H=0, log(g)=3.0
  b5i:   T=13600, M/H=0, log(g)=2.5
  aoi:   T=9730, M/H=0, log(g)=2.14
  a5i:   T=8510, M/H=0, log(g)=2.04
  f0i:   T=7700, M/H=0, log(g)=1.74
  f5i:   T=6900, M/H=0, log(g)=1.44
  g0i:   T=5550, M/H=0, log(g)=1.34
  g5i:   T=4850, M/H=0, log(g)=1.14
  k0i:   T=4420, M/H=0, log(g)=0.94
  k5i:   T=3850, M/H=0, log(g)=0.0
  m0i:   T=3650, M/H=0, log(g)=0.0
  m2i:   T=3600, M/H=0, log(g)=0.0

Supernova Legacy Survey#

# Supernova Spectra 

library_name : sne

type : supernova

title : Supernova spectral library

summary : |
  A collection of supernova spectra obtained with the sncosmo 
  package https://sncosmo.readthedocs.io/en/v2.0.x/index.html. 
  Please see there for the appropiated references. 

  Spectra are normalized to the maximum flux. 
  Most spectra are only for phase 0, time of maximum brightness, 
  unless otherwise noted

reference : http://sncosmo.github.io/

link : https://sncosmo.readthedocs.io/en/v2.0.x/about.html

spectral_coverage :
  - uv
  - vis
  - nir

resolution : 5

wave_unit: Angstrom

flux_unit : FLAM

wave_column_name : WAVELENGTH

flux_column_name : FLUX

data_type: ascii

file_extension: .dat

templates:    # comments
  sn1a: SALT2-extended SNIa, phase 0
  sn1b: SN1b s11-2005hl   
  sn1c: SNIc s11-2006fo
  sn2l: SNIIL s11-2004hx
  sn2p: SNIIP s11-2005lc
  sn2n: SNIIn snana-2006ez
  hyper: nugent hyper-SN SNIb/c phase 5
  pop3_3d: whalen-z25g PopIII, phase 3
  pop3_15d: whalen-z15g PopIII, phase 15

Flux/Telluric standards with X-Shooter#

library_name : moehler

type : stars

title : Flux calibration of medium-resolution spectra from 300 nm to 2500 nm

summary : |
   We will provide standard star reference data that allow users to derive response curves
   from 300nm to 2500nm for spectroscopic data of medium to high resolution, including
   those taken with echelle spectrographs. In addition we describe a method to correct for
   moderate telluric absorption without the need of observing telluric standard stars. As
   reference data for the flux standard stars we use theoretical spectra derived from
   stellar model atmospheres. We verify that they provide an appropriate description of
   the observed standard star spectra by checking for residuals in line cores and line
   overlap regions in the ratios of observed (X-shooter) spectra to model spectra. The
   finally selected model spectra are then corrected for remaining mismatches and
   photometrically calibrated using independent observations. The correction of telluric
   absorption is performed with the help of telluric model spectra. We provide new, finely
   sampled reference spectra without telluric absorption for six southern flux standard
   stars that allow the users to flux calibrate their data from 300nm to 2500nm, and a
   method to correct for telluric absorption using atmospheric models.

reference : Moehler et al. 2014, A&A 568, A9

link : TB

spectral_coverage :
  - uv
  - vis
  - nir

resolution : 0.1

wave_unit: nm

flux_unit : 10mW/m2/nm

wave_column_name : lambda

flux_column_name : flux

data_type: fits

file_extension: .fits

templates:      # comments
  eg274      : EG274,    Te=25985,  logg=7.96, DA
  feige110   : Feige110, Te=45250,  logg=5.80, sdO
  gd153      : GD153,    Te=40320,  logg=7.93, DA
  gd71       : GD71,     Te=33590,  logg=7.93, DA
  l97-3      : L97-3,    Te=10917,  logg=8.15, DC
  ltt3218    : LTT3218,  Te=9081,   logg=7.71, DA
  ltt7987    : LTT7987,  Te=16147,  logg=7.98, DA

High-Resolution Spectra of Habitable Zone Planets (example)#

library_name : madden

type : planets

title : High-Resolution Spectra of Habitable Zone Planets

summary : |
  Simulated high-resolution spectra of habitable planets covering a wide parameter space are essential in 
  training retrieval tools, optimizing observing strategies, and interpreting upcoming observations. 
  Ground-based extremely large telescopes like ELT, GMT, and TMT; and future space-based mission concepts 
  like Origins, HabEx, and LUVOIR are designed to have the capability of characterizing a variety of potentially 
  habitable worlds. Some of these telescopes will use high precision radial velocity techniques to obtain the required 
  high-resolution spectra (R≈100,000) needed to characterize potentially habitable exoplanets. 
  Here we present a database of high-resolution (0.01 cm−1) reflection and emission spectra for simulated 
  exoplanets with a wide range of surfaces, receiving similar irradiation as Earth around 12 different host stars 
  from F0 to K7

reference :  Madden and Kaltenegger 2020, MNRAS 495, 1

link : https://zenodo.org/record/3930900

spectral_coverage :
  - vis
  - nir
  - mir

resolution : 1.56e-7

wave_unit: um

flux_unit : W/m2/um

wave_column_name : wavelength

flux_column_name : flux

data_type: fits

file_extension: .fits

templates:      # comments
  example    :  sample spectrum 

BOSZ Stellar Atmosphere Grid (subset) - High Resolution#


library_name : bosz/hr

type : stars 

title : BOSZ Stellar Atmosphere Grid (subset) - High Resolution

summary : |
  This is a subset of the large BOSZ Stellar Atmosphere Grid. The subset
  has been extracted to match the Pickles stellar library in temperature and gravity,
  however not all types are fully covered. This libary has the following parameters
  Wavelength coverage = 1000A - 32um
  Resolution = 100000
  M/H = 0.0
  C/H = 0.0
  alpha/H = 0.0
  Microturbulent velocity = 2.0 km/s
  Rotational Broadening = 0.0 km/s

reference : Bohlin et al. 2017, 153, 234

link : "https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/bosz/"

spectral_coverage :
  - uv
  - vis
  - nir
  - mir

resolution : 100000

wave_unit: Angstrom

flux_unit : FLAM

wave_column_name : wavelength

flux_column_name : flux

data_type: fits

file_extension: .fits

templates:  # comments
  o8v   :    T=35000,    log(g)=4.00      
  b0v   :    T=30000,    log(g)=4.00      
  b3v   :    T=18500,    log(g)=4.00      
  b5v   :    T=15500,    log(g)=4.00      
  b8v   :    T=12000,    log(g)=4.00      
  a0v   :    T=9500,     log(g)=4.00      
  a5v   :    T=8250,     log(g)=4.50      
  f0v   :    T=7250,     log(g)=4.50      
  f5v   :    T=6500,     log(g)=4.50      
  g0v   :    T=6000,     log(g)=4.50      
  g2v   :    T=5750,     log(g)=4.50      
  k0v   :    T=5250,     log(g)=4.50      
  k5v   :    T=4250,     log(g)=4.50      
  m0v   :    T=3750,     log(g)=4.50      
  m2v   :    T=3500,     log(g)=4.40      
  b0iii :    T=29000,    log(g)=3.50      
  b5iii :    T=15000,    log(g)=3.50      
  g0iii :    T=5750,     log(g)=3.00      
  g5iii :    T=5250,     log(g)=2.50      
  k0iii :    T=4750,     log(g)=2.00      
  k5iii :    T=4000,     log(g)=1.50      
  m0iii :    T=3750,     log(g)=1.50      
  b0i   :    T=26000,    log(g)=3.00      
  a0i   :    T=9750,     log(g)=2.00      
  a5i   :    T=8500,     log(g)=2.00      
  f0i   :    T=7750,     log(g)=1.50      
  f5i   :    T=7000,     log(g)=1.50      
  g0i   :    T=5550,     log(g)=1.50      
  g5i   :    T=4750,     log(g)=1.00      
  k0i   :    T=4500,     log(g)=1.00      
  k5i   :    T=3750,     log(g)=0.00      
  m2i   :    T=3500,     log(g)=0.00      

BOSZ Stellar Atmosphere Grid (subset) - Medium Resolution#


library_name : bosz/mr

type : stars 

title : BOSZ Stellar Atmosphere Grid (subset) - Medium Resolution

summary : |
  This is a subset of the large BOSZ Stellar Atmosphere Grid. The subset
  has been extracted to match the Pickles stellar library in temperature and gravity,
  however not all types are fully covered. This libary has the following parameters
  Wavelength coverage = 1000A - 32um
  Resolution = 20000
  M/H = 0.0
  C/H = 0.0
  alpha/H = 0.0
  Microturbulent velocity = 2.0 km/s
  Rotational Broadening = 0.0 km/s

reference : Bohlin et al. 2017, 153, 234

link : "https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/bosz/"

spectral_coverage :
  - uv
  - vis
  - nir
  - mir

resolution : 20000

wave_unit: Angstrom

flux_unit : FLAM

wave_column_name : wavelength

flux_column_name : flux

data_type: fits

file_extension: .fits

templates:  # comments
  o8v   :    T=35000,    log(g)=4.00      
  b0v   :    T=30000,    log(g)=4.00      
  b3v   :    T=18500,    log(g)=4.00      
  b5v   :    T=15500,    log(g)=4.00      
  b8v   :    T=12000,    log(g)=4.00      
  a0v   :    T=9500,     log(g)=4.00      
  a5v   :    T=8250,     log(g)=4.50      
  f0v   :    T=7250,     log(g)=4.50      
  f5v   :    T=6500,     log(g)=4.50      
  g0v   :    T=6000,     log(g)=4.50      
  g2v   :    T=5750,     log(g)=4.50      
  k0v   :    T=5250,     log(g)=4.50      
  k5v   :    T=4250,     log(g)=4.50      
  m0v   :    T=3750,     log(g)=4.50      
  m2v   :    T=3500,     log(g)=4.40      
  b0iii :    T=29000,    log(g)=3.50      
  b5iii :    T=15000,    log(g)=3.50      
  g0iii :    T=5750,     log(g)=3.00      
  g5iii :    T=5250,     log(g)=2.50      
  k0iii :    T=4750,     log(g)=2.00      
  k5iii :    T=4000,     log(g)=1.50      
  m0iii :    T=3750,     log(g)=1.50      
  b0i   :    T=26000,    log(g)=3.00      
  a0i   :    T=9750,     log(g)=2.00      
  a5i   :    T=8500,     log(g)=2.00      
  f0i   :    T=7750,     log(g)=1.50      
  f5i   :    T=7000,     log(g)=1.50      
  g0i   :    T=5550,     log(g)=1.50      
  g5i   :    T=4750,     log(g)=1.00      
  k0i   :    T=4500,     log(g)=1.00      
  k5i   :    T=3750,     log(g)=0.00      
  m2i   :    T=3500,     log(g)=0.00      

BOSZ Stellar Atmosphere Grid (subset) - Low Resolution#


library_name : bosz/lr

type : stars 

title : BOSZ Stellar Atmosphere Grid (subset) - Low Resolution

summary : |
  This is a subset of the large BOSZ Stellar Atmosphere Grid. The subset
  has been extracted to match the Pickles stellar library in temperature and gravity,
  however not all types are fully covered. This libary has the following parameters
  Wavelength coverage = 1000A - 32um
  Resolution = 5000
  M/H = 0.0
  C/H = 0.0
  alpha/H = 0.0
  Microturbulent velocity = 2.0 km/s
  Rotational Broadening = 0.0 km/s

reference : Bohlin et al. 2017, 153, 234

link : "https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/bosz/"

spectral_coverage :
  - uv
  - vis
  - nir
  - mir

resolution : 5000

wave_unit: Angstrom

flux_unit : FLAM

wave_column_name : wavelength

flux_column_name : flux

data_type: fits

file_extension: .fits

templates:  # comments
  o8v   :    T=35000,    log(g)=4.00      
  b0v   :    T=30000,    log(g)=4.00      
  b3v   :    T=18500,    log(g)=4.00      
  b5v   :    T=15500,    log(g)=4.00      
  b8v   :    T=12000,    log(g)=4.00      
  a0v   :    T=9500,     log(g)=4.00      
  a5v   :    T=8250,     log(g)=4.50      
  f0v   :    T=7250,     log(g)=4.50      
  f5v   :    T=6500,     log(g)=4.50      
  g0v   :    T=6000,     log(g)=4.50      
  g2v   :    T=5750,     log(g)=4.50      
  k0v   :    T=5250,     log(g)=4.50      
  k5v   :    T=4250,     log(g)=4.50      
  m0v   :    T=3750,     log(g)=4.50      
  m2v   :    T=3500,     log(g)=4.40      
  b0iii :    T=29000,    log(g)=3.50      
  b5iii :    T=15000,    log(g)=3.50      
  g0iii :    T=5750,     log(g)=3.00      
  g5iii :    T=5250,     log(g)=2.50      
  k0iii :    T=4750,     log(g)=2.00      
  k5iii :    T=4000,     log(g)=1.50      
  m0iii :    T=3750,     log(g)=1.50      
  b0i   :    T=26000,    log(g)=3.00      
  a0i   :    T=9750,     log(g)=2.00      
  a5i   :    T=8500,     log(g)=2.00      
  f0i   :    T=7750,     log(g)=1.50      
  f5i   :    T=7000,     log(g)=1.50      
  g0i   :    T=5550,     log(g)=1.50      
  g5i   :    T=4750,     log(g)=1.00      
  k0i   :    T=4500,     log(g)=1.00      
  k5i   :    T=3750,     log(g)=0.00      
  m2i   :    T=3500,     log(g)=0.00      

Paranal Night Sky Spectra#

Additionally, the Paranal sky emission spectra is also included

# Paranal Night Sky Spectra

library_name : sky

type : background

title : Paranal Night Sky Spectra

summary : |
  This spectra have been generated with skycalc_ipy, an python interface to the ESO Skycalc,
  at different resolutions (vLR: R800, LR: R4000, MR: R20000, HR: R100000)using standard
  parameters. Wavelength steps are logaritmic so so resolution remains constant.    
  Noinstrumental background is included. No scattered Moon light is included. Parameters
  used for running skycalc_ipy are stored in the header of each table. 
  Tables also include values for transmission, but those aren't used in spextra and are 
  provided for completeness
  Values for emission are in photons s-1 cm-2 angstrom-1 arcsec-2

reference : https://www.eso.org/observing/etc/bin/gen/form?INS.MODE=swspectr+INS.NAME=SKYCALC

link : https://skycalc-ipy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

spectral_coverage :
  - uv
  - vis
  - nir
  - mir

resolution : 1

wave_unit: angstrom

flux_unit : photlam

wave_column_name : wavelength

flux_column_name : flux

data_type: fits

file_extension: .fits

templates:    # comments
  HR :  High Resolution, R=100000
  MR :  Medium Resolution, R=20000
  LR :  Low Resolution, R=4000
  vLR : very Low Resolution, R=800